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Farm liability

Your farm’s liability needs may require specific coverage contracts to meet the your level of acceptable risk.  Understanding your total operation is the foundation of building your insurance policy and Protecting What Matters most.  Listed below are common liability coverages if your situation is uncommon additional endorsements and coverage options may be available.  


Farm Liability

Farm Liability provides protection of your assets in case of a claim or lawsuit to protect your financial stability.  Lawsuits can be costly and damaging to your operation.  

Your farming or Ag operation is unique to you.  Liability coverage can come in many different types to help protect Whats Matters Most.  A few of them are listed below.

Suffocation/Contract Growers

coverage for

This coverage includes the legal liability of any “insured” to a “contract owner” for the property damage (animals) due to the suffocation, asphyxiation or hyperthermia causing death or injury to covered animals.  

Common Causes of Loss

  • Mechanical Failure
  • Power Failure 
  • Alarm System Failure
  • Fire
  • Tornado 
  • Lightening
Your policy will detail when and how your coverage will react at the time of claim.

Custom Farming/Feeding

Custom Farming

Custom Farming may be a big part of your operation or something that occurs very rarely. Many farm policies include protection for incidental custom farming exposures up to a certain level of income annually.  If your operations sit on the verge of incidental or custom is more of your main focus, please visit with your Central Insurance agent to make sure your policy meets your needs.  

Seed Sales

be prepared for everything

Protecting your seed can be year round exposure.  Inventory changes throughout the year, your coverage should to.  Protect yourself against your inventory, contamination,  delivery ,mistakes, transit accidents are just a few of the items to consider.   

Seed sales can be included on your base policy or require additional endorsements based on your level of sales and the scope of your operations.  

Spray Drift

Spray Drift

Fence lines can be a melting pot of varieties and types of seed.  Spraying whats right your farm might not be right for your neighbor.  Stay protected against the liability that could follow. 

Livestock Escape

Livestock Escape

Despite our intentions livestock sometimes escape their natural habitat.  When this occurs a number of different liabilities may arise.  

Examples include

  • Car vs Animal accidents
  • Destruction of crops
  • Destruction of property